Dishing on the best in food, fashion and family fun!
By Heather
Heather is the founder of She lives in Southern New Jersey with her husband, 12-year-old daughter, 9-year-old son, her cat Spencer and Buddy the lab mix. You’ll find a combination of family-friendly reviews and giveaways, deal alerts, personal stories and articles relating to parenting on
I don't know, she looks pretty innocent to me. I think she was framed!!
He he! Such an innoncent little face! At least you had your camera handy! :)
Why is my daughter when she messes up??? LOL
She is so cute…………
Oh my goodness, she's precious. My son use to like to get into the flour, and put it down the couch under the sofa seats. I sat down one day, and poof! Flour dust everywhere! I was furious! LOL I can laugh about it now though, but it wasn't funny at the time.
Ha ha…love the expression.
Too funny!
She is a riot!! Love that face!
My Emma likes to take string cheese and use it like a pen on my windows… and she is sneaky when she does it.
This brings back memories! My daughter dumped a new canister of baby powder on our wood floors when she was about that size. VERY hard to clean–but–no squeaky floors! lol! It was NOT funny at the time…I had a newborn. *sigh* That guilty little girl will be 19 tomorrow…
Lisa @ All That and a Box of Rocks
Oh my gosh, my son actually likes to put the powder in his hand and blow it all over the house. Makes it look like five layers of dust are everywhere. Silly kids.
Oh my gosh, my son actually likes to put the powder in his hand and blow it all over the house. Makes it look like five layers of dust are everywhere. Silly kids.