Last year, I attended my very first blogging conference. Which one did I choose for my ‘first time’? Why, BlogHer, of course. That year, it was to be held in New York City, only about two hours from where I live. Flying the friendly skies was not required, so my costs would be relatively low. This conference was practically coming to me, so I couldn’t pass on it.
After attending this conference as a newbie, I came home and wrote about why BlogHer was overwhelming for me. Never in my life did I feel so lonely while surrounded by hundreds of people, and it was just a bit too much stimulation for this new kind of experience. I didn’t know what to do with myself half the time.
That said, I did meet some amazing friends and made great business contacts, but what I wish I had done before BlogHer New York was to attend a smaller, more intimate blogging conference first. It would have been great to get my feet wet. Instead, I started with BlogHer, followed by Disney Social Media Moms, and then Reviewer’s Retreat. Each conference was progressively smaller, and I found that smaller conferences suited me better – at least in the beginning!
Another great tip when you’re thinking about attending a conference? Be sure that your business cards stand out from the rest. Especially when you’ve made contact with someone with whom you’d like to do business, a well thought out card is a great way to get make a lasting impression. I’ve heard wonderful things about Tiny Prints Business Cards, and I can’t wait to see the difference for myself.
No compensation was received for this post. Tiny Prints will be sending me 50 business cards as a thank you gift. I can’t wait to see and feel them in person!
With every month that passes by, my business cards get more outdated. Numbers are wrong, links are wrong, etc. but I can’t bear to get new ones until my redesign is complete. Hopefully I can order new cards in July.
I agree thanks for the advice. I haven’t been to one either.
Thanks for the advice. I’m a newbie, too – haven’t been to one…yet!