I’ve wanted a cookbook holder for my kitchen counter for years now. The only problem? I hate cluttered counters. Enter the solution – Recipe Rock.
These days, I don’t get too many recipes from actual books. They’re either printed from the internet, or I’ll just bring my laptop into the kitchen. The Recipe Rock from Architec Housewares is a small 2-inch, sculpted, concave “rock” that will hold up to eight pages of printed recipes or recipe cards.
All you do is remove the metal ball from the magnetic rock, place your pages and replace the ball. What would we do without magnets?
My favorite thing about the Recipe Rock is it’s size. When not in use, I can tuck it away into a drawer or on my window sill.
BUY IT! The Recipe Rock is available for $9.99 at Crate & Barrel and specialty boutiques.
GIVEAWAY: One lucky reader will the Recipe Rock!
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WIN the Recipe Rock at #GirlGoneMom – a small recipe holder that will fit in any kitchen! http://bit.ly/ryv60N
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+3 if you blog about this giveaway, linking back here to this giveaway post and to the sponsor.
Contest is open to continental US residents and closes at Midnight EST on November 21st, 2011. One main entry per household/IP address. Thank you to the sponsor for supplying the products for review and giveaway. Need help entering? See How to Enter which includes giveaway rules.
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I’d love to have this to keep my magazine and recipe cards clean since I tend to make a mess when I cook
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