Well, finally. The story of Jin and Sun.
In the ATL, Jin and Sun are unmarried. That whole “button up” routine was an act. In fact, papa isn’t even aware that there is a relationship between the two. Or so they thought. Turns out this whole “trip” was designed by dear Dad as a way to off Jin. This is how/why Jin ended up in the restaurant’s walk-in-freezer at the hands of Keamy, as we saw in “Sundown”. It’s funny how this show makes you look at the same situation so much differently once you’ve gotten a little more information. Having the stack of cash detained at the airport was actually a blessing for Jin. That was his blood money.
Did Sun notice something different about herself in the mirror at the hotel, like with Jack?
We found that Jin escaped, but sadly Sun was caught in the crossfire, while pregnant. I knew from the beginning that this was the secret she was trying to tell Jin back at the hotel. I hope she’s alright. The producers really left us hangin’.
Always the victim, Jin was captured in island time, too. He’s back in that horrid Room 23 – the subliminal messaging room created by the Dharma peeps. Jin is there at the hands of Widmore’s people. It was very touching to see Jin get a look at his daughter for the very first time. Yes, I cried – who wants to know?
Did you catch when Smoke said to Claire: “Whatever happens, happens.” Giving Claire the nod to do whatever she wants with Kate once he’s done using her to bid farewell to the final three candidates. Pure. Evil. Smoke can’t kill the candidates, but I guess there’s nothing in the rule book about sending them leaving on a jet plane.
I was disappointed that we didn’t see a reunion between Jin and Sun on the island. Really bummed. But holy mother, Desmond is back!
Best quote of the night: “I don’t think she wants to go.” – Hurley, after Sun’s rant in Korean.
If you have a LOST recap, or thoughts about the show posted on your blog, let me know!
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dr. carey has written articles for ventura parents magazine.
Charles Widmore never was a bad guy. He only treated Desmond the way he did to keep Penny from being hurt because he knew that Desmond would have to go to the island. Desmond is special and the rules don’t apply to him. He can use the electromagnetic anomaly to destroy the MIB (and my guess is that will put the island under water) because he is the only one who can come in contact with the electromagnetism and not be harmed.
Also, in Season 4 Finale when the island “disappeared” as the Oceanic 6 were flying back on the helicopter…didn’t it look like the island went under the water? Perhaps when the island “moves” it goes under water…perhaps the island has been under water since Ben turned the frozen donkey wheel at the end of Season 4. Just a thought.
My theories about "The Package"
Riddle me this………
Why CAN'T FLocke turn back into smoke? He was smoke recently at the temple?
If the answer is obvious I will feel stupid, but I need to know.
Well, hello, fellow Lostie!
I didn't think about that connection with Sun and Jack looking in the mirror, interesting….
Poor Sun and Jin. Sometimes I wish they had gone off to live with Rose and Bernard!
Yes! I did catch the Smocke/Clair exchange. Hint, hint, wink, wink, Claire–Kate is all yours!
There were so many great quotes last night. Sigh, I love this show.
Thanks for the comment on my Lost post:
I keep going back and forth on whether or not Keamy said that. I'll have to find it on Youtube and send it to you.
^To Tara, I loved Frank's "hey…don't talk about bacon" :)
I had two other favorite quotes: Miles "Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hurley can track anything." and Ben: Why won’t you believe me? Ilana: Because you’re speaking.