Over the last several months, I’ve tested two great Samsung phones. First up was the Note 3, a great phone but a little too large to handle in the day to day. But I absolutely loved the many features, especially the camera. During the summer I managed to capture some wonderful, bright photographs taken during both daytime and nighttime. Like the Note 3, the Samsung S5 has a phenomenal camera and other wonderful features, but I mostly love Samsung for those amazing photos.
I wanted to compare and contrast these phones before I decided whether to go with another iPhone or move over to the android. In all of the research I had done and reports I had read, it appeared that Samsung’s photo taking abilities is far superior to that of it’s Apple competitors.
The S5 also operates just like the Note3, just in a smaller package. The battery life on both phones was just amazing. I’m not sure if it’s because I didn’t use them as much as my existing phone (the 4 doesn’t have a SIM card) but I literally went days without recharging. The two issues I couldn’t get past are the fact that 1) the Samsung phones were difficult for me to navigate and 2) the most important things to me on a phone are my photos and it was not easy to transfer from an android to my Mac.
In the end I decided to stick with Apple and I just purchased the iPhone 6. So far I’m so happy I did. Again I’ve been using my iPhone 4 since early 2011, so this phone to me is like a whole new world. I love the new larger and slim design and all of the features I’d been coveting like talk to text and Siri.
What really matters is the network you choose. The Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network is fantastically fast.
I received a loaner to use and test.