There once was a young couple who decided to get married. They lived in a house for a few years before adopting a couple of cats. Things were fun and they filled their time doing whatever they wanted until they decided to have children. Now they can’t even go to the bathroom by themselves let alone have any private time together.
Let’s face it. Having kids changes your relationship.
After the kids came along our focus was centered on being good parents. Suddenly you become too busy doing family activities, attending birthday parties and running the kids to and from after-school activities. Date nights which were once weekly are now once every 3 months if we’re lucky. Our lives became all about them.
Many New Year’s resolutions have to do with getting organized or losing weight, but what about your relationship? Why not vow to become closer as a couple? Despite the hoops we sometimes have to jump through to get a sitter, we always have a good time and never once we do regret having a date night. When we first leave the house it feels kind of odd and we don’t have much to talk about…but by the end of the night we come home reconnected.
With our 10th wedding anniversary coming up this May, we have decided to refocus on eachother in 2015 by regularly scheduling more date nights, even if it’s only a 2-hour break to enjoy adult conversation over dinner. Every date night brings us a little closer.
This is SO important for all couples! My husband works nights so we only see each other about an hour a day during weekdays so we make sure that sunday nights after we put the kids to bed that we have some “us” time. Really helps me get through the week without him :)
Me and the other half are home bodies really we often like watching movies together though and you can’t beat a day out just nosing around local places. x
Having kids definitely changes the dynamic of any relationship. It’s important to find moments to rekindle the romance.
Date night is something unheard of in this house. I haven’t been out in two years .
I think we still do have regular date nights! That’s because we don’t have kids yet, only furbabies. Gotta make it a point to have ’em when we’re parents later on :)
We have to schedule date night and a few times a year we take a weekend away out of town. With crazy schedules, shared parenting with kiddo, and all that life entails it can be hard to take time for each other.
These look like a great item to have on hand for those romantic moments! Sounds like it would make it very pleasurable.