Well, the potty training road has been long and bumpy, but Emma is finally getting the hang of it. Just the other day, she started going #2. She quickly realized how happy Daddy and I were, and she knew she could use this to her advantage.
We’ve been bribing encouraging her with little incentives here and there. Like this trip to the Disney Store, which put us $50 in the hole. Victory is sweet, but costly.
Nikki O says
Congrats! We are in the process with my 3 year old son, number 1 is going pretty well, but he’s told me that number 2 is too hard and he’s scared- poor guy. So I’m trying not to push too much, but I’m sooo ready to be done with pull- ups!
Jessica @peekababy says
Victory is often costly when it comes to the little people, isn’t it ;)
Check out my WW http://peekababyny.com/wordlesswednesday/post-1031/
Nichol says
She’s such a cutie. Glad it is going well even if bribing is involved:)
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
You’re such a sucker! But it’s worth it. ;0
momto8blog says
yep..one of my sons got a huge motorized car as a bribe…the other son got a miniature milky way….
Heather says
That’s hilarious! I’m guessing the oldest one got the big prize.
BusyWorkingMama says
Good lucky! Getting Lily trained was the happiest weekend of my life!
Heather says
You’re lucky you got it done in a weekend!
BusyWorkingMama says
My daughter is stubborn but super competitive. I just said “I bet I can use the potty better than you” and that child never had another accident. I took like 10 changes of clothes to daycare on Monday and they looked at me like I was nuts – they said she stayed dry even through nap that whole week and sent the clothes back to me. She was probably just under 2.5. It took till 3 to get over the night issues. We bribed her with a big girl bed :)