I’m an easy-breezy kind of girl. Not in a Cover Girl kind of way but in a I was born without the hair and makeup gene kind of way. You’ll rarely find me made up and I frequently make my hair dresser cringe by letting my roots get out of control or not taking the time to style my hair. That doesn’t mean I haven’t tried every styling product on the book for my stubborn somewhat-wavy-doesn’t-want-to-curl-but-won’t-lie-straight hair.
When perusing the product line of Philip B I decided to take a break from trying to find the perfect hair taming product. Instead I decided to face the problem that tends to creep up this time of year…dry hair and scalp. I gave the shampoo, conditioner, and detangling toning mist from the Hair & Scalp Facial Treatment a test run.
The essential oils in the Peppermint & Avocado Volumizing & Clarifying Shampoo creates a tingling feeling and the aroma will certainly help pep start your day. It is even safe to use on color treated hair. I love how light weight but thoroughly conditioning the Light-Weight Deep Conditioning Creme Rinse is. I was afraid the deep-conditioning part would outweigh the light-weight part and leave my hair feeling heavy and weighed down. This was so not an issue at all and I think this has become my new favorite hair product.
Over all, the combination of products left my hair feeling soft and manageable. I even pulled the hair dryer out and had the best hair day I’ve had in a while.
Be sure to check out the complete line of Philip B products as well as check out the Hair Advice section of the website where many hair-care and troublesome questions are addressed.
The set sells for $94 and includes these four products:
• Rejuvenating Oil 2 fl oz/60ml
• Peppermint & Avocado Volumizing & Clarifying Shampoo 7.4 fl oz/220ml
• Light-Weight Deep Conditioning Creme Rinse (Classic Formula) 6 fl oz/178ml
• pH Restorative Detangling Toning Mist4.23 fl oz/125ml
I love that you can use for color treated hair as well. My daughter has the dry scalp issues, maybe this would be good to try for her problem.