I’ve had the Palm Pre Plus for just about a month now. It has certainly made life a lot easier. From checking email and keeping my calendar up to date when I’m on the run, to all of the amazing apps that help you do a million other things, I feel much more together as a mom who’s taking on so many responsibilities in my every day life.
There’s no need to stress over forgotten directions laying on your kitchen counter or the fact that you forgot to call a store for their hours before you left for a shopping trip. It’s all accessible, and to me that’s invaluable.
Recently, my digital camera broke. I’m in no rush to replace it, because my Palm has stepped in and taken over while I do my research on which camera to buy. I recently learned that I can now also capture video, edit it and share it right from my phone. Perfect for capturing those impromptu moments.
Being the social media addict that I am, I love having a phone that allows me to be in touch 24/7, or whenever the mood strikes. The Palm Pre Plus truly is one very a smart phone. It has all of the tools I need in one place.
One major drawback, is the bill. I’d like to see Verizon bring down the Smart Phone fee some, because I do think that $30.00 per month extra is excessive, and this is one thing that I do not like about having a smart phone.
As you can see, the good certainly outweighs the bad. I don’t think I could ever go back to my old juke. It would be too heartbreaking. So for now I’m keeping the phone, and I’ll try to get to the bill each month before my husband sees it!
No compensation was received for this post. I did receive a Palm Pre Plus 3G smartphone and one month of service from Verizon, to facilitate my candid review. I hope you find it to be helpful.
hubby n i were looking into verizon smart phones, but $30 per line fee makes our bill jump $60 more a month for the two phones, which i don't think we want to do.
only $30 extra??? Mine requires the data plan (which allows you the internet access) and is 39.00 a month. Hey, 9 bucks is 9 bucks! LOL But I don't have the Pre, I have a blackberry, through Verizon. I'm not all that thrilled with it (i.e., internet viewing is so small and I like to view flash. There are some sites I can't shop on with my phone (the flash thing again!) like QVC! LOL
So, when it's time to renew my contract, I'm looking into another phone. Im hoping by then Verizon will have gotten the Iphone contract, or I might go with the new droid… sigh
jeanette from http://www.sweetjeanette.com