Winner: Marci
Recess Music is proud to present UR Some 1, the second addition to the BEST FOOT FORWARD series that helps us realize that all human beings can be equipped to appreciate a world that is wise and fair, and generous hearted. This disc highlights the importance of self-confidence, and helps kids realize that even though they might not feel like it at times, they are important to others.
For ages 4 – 12
Retails for around $11.99
Run time: 32 minutes
Jack is already a music lover even at his tender age of 10 months, so I was eager to check out the URSOME1 CD from Recess Music. I love the bright visuals of the CD cover, and the message that URSOME1 – U R PERFECT just the way U R! We popped it in during a car ride recently and rocked out. I found that they carried that positive, encouraging messaging all through these educational and enjoyable songs from various artists. Particlar favorites for me were Body Parts, You’re An Animal Too and Piggy Little Toes; they were upbeat and used a lot of words I repeat to Jack regularly as I try to encourage his verbal skills. Some of the songs are a little more involved, so this CD will grow with your child and please a variety of ages. One thing I didn’t love about the disk? Arms are for Hugging, while well intended, I’m sure, I felt was a bit preachy. If you or your spouse is in the armed services, I think it would be difficult to resolve the messaging with your career and lifestyle. Personally I found it a bit off putting and we are not in the armed services. Sure, in a perfect world there would be no war – but the world isn’t perfect. I feel that I’d like to educate my child/ren about the unpleasantness of life myself, at my own pace and with a more rounded explanation. I felt this one track was a little too one sided for my taste. Excepting that, I thought the CD was delightful and hope you do, too!
Check out Recess Music at
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Contest is open to continental US residents and closes at Midnight EST on October 11, 2011. One main entry per household/IP address. Thank you to the sponsor for supplying the products for review and giveaway. Need help entering? See How to Enter which includes giveaway rules.
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