**Contest Closed**
Ever since becoming parents, my husband and I rarely have time to sit down for a wholesome home-cooked meal. Even when we attempt to make dinner, it usually ends up being the ravioli out of the freezer or macaroni and cheese variety. Which is great, but not every night. Through her cookbook, Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms, Jane Doiron shows you how to have nutrious meals for dinner again, with delicious recipes and great techniques for preparing foods in advance.
We started with dessert first and made the Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. I was able to make the entire batch at once while Emmy was napping, but as Jane shares in her cook, you can freeze the cookie dough to use later. What a great idea, especially during the holiday season with friends stopping in and you need something yummy to serve!
The cookies came out beautiful, and are so delicious. I wish I could upload one to you Willy-Wonka style! Oatmeal raisin are hubby’s favorite, so he’ll be a happy camper tonight! I can’t wait to try the other recipes in this book, so that we can start enjoying real meals around here.
BUY IT! Make Ahead Meals for Busy Moms is available for purchase at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. What a great gift idea!
i just commented on her mohegan chicken post: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=8015545702239062846&postID=4122694184160034088&isPopup=true
entered CafePress Giveaway