(Winner – Erika)
Do you know about optical brighteners? These chemicals are added to the typical laundry detergent in order to trick the consumer into perceiving brighter, whiter looking clothing. Scientists say that the additives can cause allergic reaction, are toxic to wildlife and pollute our water. Doesn’t that ruffle your feathers a little?
If you’ve ever seen a white shirt glow under a black light, then you have “seen” optical brighteners with your own two eyes.
With an green laundry detergent like Seventh Generation, you can say no to the glow. Their products do not contain these optical brighteners, they’re non-toxic, hypo-allergenic and biodegradable. I took the Seventh Generation challenge to see if there really was a difference between my current laundry detergent and Seventh Generation laundry detergent.
So I put my disco on and flipped the switch. Under the black light go my two t-shirts – one laundered in Seventh Generation detergent, and the other using a brand name soap that shall remain nameless.
Okay, so my camera phone wouldn’t let me disable the flash, so you really can’t see it, but the shirt on the left washed in my regular detergent did glow. The entire shirt didn’t glow, but there were glowing streaks all over it in a tie-dye type pattern. Groovy.
I’m convinced – and kind of grossed out at the same time. You have to check this out for yourself. But first, make sure you click here to print a $1.00 off coupon.
One lucky launderer will receive a prize pack of Seventh Generation laundry products!
Detergent, liquid fabric softener and fabric sheets included.
(US Only – Ends 11/29)
Mandatory Entry: Tell me your favorite tip for keeping their families healthy at home.
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Win a prize pack of Seventh Generation green laundry products. Say no to the glow! @SeventhGen #myblogspark
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Contest is open to US residents and closes at Midnight EST on November 29, 2010. One main entry per household. No compensation was received for this post. The sponsor sent me the product free of charge to facilitate my honest review, and has offered the same for a lucky reader.
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We like to use baking soda, vinegar and castille soap to clean a number of surfaces instead of toxic chemical cleaners.
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Link: http://pennyzeni.wordpress.com/
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Link: http://pennyzeni.wordpress.com/