I will very rarely make a purchase without some sort of coupon. Everybody I know, knows this. So, I received a message the other day from my sister-in-law asking me if I had a coupon for a particular store, and if not where to find one?
There are a couple of steps I take after I’ve found something I want to buy. First, I check out Retailmenot. If no luck there (many retailers are getting wise and asking that coupons/promotions be removed from the site), I try one of the many others out there, like Coupon Cabin, or Moms View. There are so many out there — literally too many to list! When all else fails, do a google search, Babies R Us coupon code, for example.
If you find the deals are limited to a particular item type (that you’re not interested in), or just want to find something better? Try Ebay or Craigslist. You can find coupons and gift cards that people don’t want and will part with for much less than they’re worth. A few months back I got a gift card for Home Goods worth $50 more than what I purchased it for. Now that’s a good deal!
I’ve recently started printing grocery coupons from my computer. I still like clipping from the newspaper, but many more coupons are available online. I like sites that don’t require you to download coupon printing software, like this one. Again, there are many sites like this. I’m not loyal to any particular one site, but that was an example.
Alas, I did find a coupon for my sister-in-law. You’re welcome :)
What about you? What are your favorite websites for finding coupons, or coupon codes?
I do that too. When I'm looking to go buy something, I will google *name of store* coupon code and spend some time looking before I go. I've saved a lot of money that way