Today marks the first milestone of our marriage. On the morning of Friday, May 20th, 2005, I was greeted with cold, strong wind and driving rain as I prepared for the big day. Our area was getting hit with the first Nor’easter of the season, and I was devastated. People told us it was good luck, but I think that’s something that people say to make you feel better when you have bad weather on the most important day of your life!
We didn’t get the outdoor photographs that we had hoped for, but it turned out fine. Celebrating with our friends and family was a ton of fun, and we danced all night. In spite of that ‘”good luck” rain.
We’re still together five years later, but I don’t think that luck has had anything to do with it. Nothing worthwhile comes easily without putting forth hard work and effort, and that can’t be more true of anything than it is of marriage. At that point in time, I naively had a fairy-tale expectation of what our future would be like, but little did I know that “Happily Ever After” only exists in the lives of our beloved storybook characters. In real life, there are caveats. It is work, every single day. And that makes the fruits of your labor that much more rewarding.
Happy Anniversary to my husband, Kevin. I love you.