Closed – congrats to the winner, Kirsten !
I remember clearly the first night Emma was home from the hospital. The bassinet was set up beside our bed and the three of us were getting ready to turn in. I had an emotional breakdown that night, literally sobbing and not wanting to go to sleep. It was a whole new vulnerability, having an infant to care for, and SIDS was my biggest fear and greatest threat. How could it not be? You hear all of these horror stories in the news and wonder if you’re doing all of the right things to prevent the unthinkable.
One of the tragic stories out there has been told by HALO® founder, Bill Schmid. Sadly, in 1991 he lost his daughter to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Ever since, he has been on a mission to create products that bring peace of mind to parents, products that promote a safe sleeping environment. Bill donates a portion of the profits from all HALO products to help fight SIDS, to honor his daughter and all children who have been lost.
The HALO® SleepSack® is a wearable blanket for infants that are to be used in lieu of loose blankets that could be a suffocation hazard in the crib. The fleece SleepSack I was sent is ultra-soft and warm just like any good blanket should be. I like the fact that the zipper starts at the top by baby’s chest and zips downward. I remember using the swaddle blankets with Emma and I hated having to fiddle with that pesky zipper. There is also a patch in the front that serves as a gentle reminder to all caregivers: Back is Best.
Along with using the HALO® SleepSack® , here are the HALO-recommended safe sleep practices:
• Place baby to sleep on his or her back at naptime and at night time.
• Use a crib that meets current safety standards with a firm mattress that fits snuggly and is covered with only a tight-fitting crib sheet.
• Remove all soft bedding and toys from your baby’s sleep area (this includes loose blankets, bumpers and positioners).
• Offer a pacifier when putting baby to sleep. If breastfeeding, introduce pacifier after one month or after breastfeeding has been established.
• Breastfeed, if possible, but when finished, put your baby back to sleep in his or her separate safe sleep area alongside your bed.
• Never put your baby to sleep on any soft surface (adult beds, sofas, chairs, water beds, quilts, sheep skins etc.)
• Never dress your baby too warmly for sleep; keep room temperature 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Never allow anyone to smoke around your baby or take your baby into a room or car where someone has recently smoked.
October is SIDS awareness month, and HALO will donate $1 for each Facebook fan throughout the month. There are only a few days left, so head on over there and Like HALO on Facebook!
If you’re interested in purchasing the HALO® SleepSack®, it’s available at Target stores nationwide.
One lucky winner will receive a HALO® SleepSack®!
(US and Canada – Ends 11/10)
Mandatory Entry: Visit HALO and tell me the style and size you’d like.
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Contest is open to US and Canadian residents and closes at Midnight EST on 11/10/2010. One main entry per person. HALO cannot guarantee that the winner will receive the exact item you request but the winner will receive a SleepSack appropriate for the age and gender of the winner’s child. Product review & giveaway disclosure: I received one product for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Sponsored by
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I would love the pretty 100% Cotton SleepSack in Pink Daisies Print/Small.
I entered the Butter Bell giveaway.
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