Harvesting your own fruits and vegetables is a great way to save, and who doesn’t like the convenience of being able to go picking from your own back yard? Last night we had some of this delicious lettuce. It grew so fast – I was amazed!
Currently, my garden is made up of tomatoes (various varieties), peppers, lettuce (2 varieties) cucumbers, scallions, green beans, basil, honeydew and pumpkins.
And to keep deer from chowing down on your favorite veggies, here is a great recipe:
1 Egg
1 cup Water
1/4 cup garlic juice
1 T liquid dish detergent
Scrap of pantyhose
Rubber band
In a blender, mix egg water and garlic juice. Stir in detergent. Pour solution into an open container and let sit outdoors for 3 days. Cover the siphon of a spray bottle with pantyhose held on by a rubber band (prevents clogging). Fill spraybottle and apply to vulnerable plants. Re-apply after it rains.
Hearttohearts says
I'd love to plant a garden, but I live in a tiny apartment
Heather says
Oh I agree, tomatoes are so yummy :) Do a fall garden! I want to try broccoli…
PonderandStitch says
Great post! I am sad I didn't do my garden this year (and I have no idea why I didn't do it because I was planning on it). I miss all the tomatoes!! Tomatoes are my favorite thing from the garden.