Thank you to Little Remedies for sponsoring this post.
It can be quite stressful dealing with fussy babies. Parents can feel helpless not knowing what to do for their baby. I went through it with my kids, and I think the key is to never stop trying new things. Here are a few tips that may help.
Let your baby lay on his or her stomach
Not in the crib or the bassinet, but on you. I remember doing this for both Emma and Ryan and I think it helped a good deal in so many ways. Your body heat and touch is comforting and soothing, and laying on the stomach helps pop those nasty tummy bubbles.
Exercise your baby
Who says babies can’t exercise? With a little help, they can. Just lay baby on her back and move her legs as though she’s riding a bicycle. Moving can help dispel gas.
Use a warm compress
A fresh warm (not hot) towel or bottle can help ease the pain. Do not use a heated blanket on a baby.
Use natural remedies
Including Little Remedies® Gripe Water which helps to relieve discomfort due to hiccups and colic without alcohol or gluten and Little Remedies® Gas Drops with Simethicone which elieves excess gas from food or swallowing of air without artificial colors or flavors, alcohol, saccharin or preservatives
Call a pediatrician
Your doctor or nurse may have suggestions for you. If you’ve tried “everything”, give them a call. It could be as simple as a simple formula change or bottle switch, if not a formula fed baby.
Remain calm
If your baby is still kicking up a fuss, remain calm. Babies can sense tension and it can make matters worse. If you need a break, call a friend or family member for help. It’s amazing what some new perspective can do.
Kristen from The Road to Domestication says
Gas relief drops are THE BOMB! I tend to give those as gifts along with baby shower presents LOL
Annie Mai says
These are great tips that I need to remember in the future. Gonna be a new mommy in the next few years lol :P
celebbabylaundry says
These little remedies sound perfect for babies, I have never heard of them but they seem to be really useful!
Veronica says
I haven’t had a baby in the house in a loooong time. I really hated when they got sick
Jaime says
We love Little Remedies products. Gripe water helped us tremendously when our boy was tiny.
Krystal says
We have this in our cabinets! The best gift I received was a basket with all their products in it! Loved it!
Mama to 5 BLessings says
I love Little Remedies products, I use them for my children all the time. I did not know they made these 2 though!
Life as a Convert says
Thankfully, my children weren’t fussy when they were younger. I was very blessed in that regards.
Pam says
I always keep Little Remedies in my medicine cabinet. I relied on their stuff when my kids would get sick.
Amanda Ripsam says
I can attest to the grip water worked so well for my Bella. There is a brand in Canada I had to get my Grandma to bring when she visited me. I am glad we are past that stage where Bella don’t need to use it any more.