As embarrassing as it is to admit, we still buy bottled water. We’ve gone back and forth between using tap and bottled for over a year. We’ve seen lots of tests proving that most store-bought versions are no better than what you get from your tap, but having a filtering system is a nice happy medium between the two. You do have the added cost of replacing filters, but it’s nowhere near what you’d spend buying water, all without the waster of disposable plastic bottles.
We’ve always been sold on the concept, but have gone through several different water pitchers only to go back to bottles. There were various reasons why we didn’t stick with it. One was too tall for the shelf in our refrigerator, and a few others were clumsy to operate or flimsy. Plus, the waiting. Many pitchers work this way: They have a reservoir at the top to pour the water into, it slowly flows into the main part of the pitcher, and after waiting several minutes you have to repeat the same steps once or twice before you get that pitcher completely filled up. If you can’t get your man to change the toilet paper roll, he certainly won’t get to work on a water pitcher that requires so much attention.
Look how fast this Filtrete™ Water Pitcher fills up. There is absolutely no waiting – other than the time it takes for your faucet to release all of the water. Filtrete has determined that it’s approximately five times faster than traditional pitchers. I made a quick video just to demonstrate how fast the process is.
The filter lays at the top of the pitcher. It is flat, leaving more room for all 12 cups of water. The lid fits nicely and doesn’t flop around. We’ll definitely be sticking with this one. A filter costs about ten dollars or so and will last about 3 months – much cheaper than buying water. It’s more responsible – both for the environment and your wallet.
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