**Contest Closed**
In 1996, Mariela and Ali quit their day jobs to pursue a dream they both shared. Their goal, to design beautiful, flattering and comfortable lingerie for women. No doubt these ladies knew that their intimates would bring joy to the ladies lucky enough to wear them when they named their company eberjey, derived from the Nigerian word for “joy”.
eberjey was born from our belief that the layer worn closest to the heart should express happiness, love and confidence – all things that make a woman truly beautiful.
What I love most about eberjey designs is that they are elegant without being overdone. Comfortable fabrics combine with elegant lace and mesh detailing to create no-nonsense pieces with a flirty flair. There is nothing worse than putting on something pretty that makes you uncomfortable. With eberjey, you won’t have to sacrifice on personal comfort. After all, you only look as good as you feel right?
I was thrilled to review the Prima Ballerina Long Sleeve V-Neck Tee and Bootleg pant. When my package arrived, I unwrapped it like a kid unveiling a gift on Christmas morning. Once that deed was done, I took my new pajamas upstairs for a quick change. I casually strolled past my husband who was in the kitchen at the time, and he stopped in his tracks. It was the funniest thing! Just the simple lace detailing was enough to peak his interest as he came over for a closer look. This is one sexy set that I’m happy to wear any day. Did I mention that they’re also extremely comfortable?
BUY IT! Wouldn’t you love to spoil someone with eberjey for Valentine’s day?
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entered cowboy chocolate giveaway
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