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Given the cost of some of the piñatas you can purchase in stores or online, it is well worth the time and effort required to make your own. At first, the idea sounds daunting. But then you realize just how easy it is – not to mention almost free aside from the candy/toys you stuff inside it!
Last year I made a piñata for my son’s fourth birthday, and I’m just now getting to blog about. I’m on a one-year delay, y’all. Anyway, it was surprisingly easy to make. Not only was I saving money, but I also helped mother earth by reusing items that otherwise would be thrown away or recycled. From trash, we made something that birthday party lovin’ children consider treasure: the piñata.
piñatas? Easy to make? Now I’m not talking paper mache although I’m sure that’s not too difficult either. But everyone has these supplies on hand. I know you have piles of those Amazon Boxes. Likely this tutorial will require not a single trip to the craft supply store. Many of you will find these items on hand right down in your basement or garage. And even if you do need to make a trip, we’re talkin’ dollar store, baby.
Here’s how I did it. Our party theme was Blaze and the Monster Machines. I decided to make a wheel at first. Easy enough. So I cut two circle shapes using a very fancy stencil, also known as my laundry hamper lid. I then measured around one of the circle shapes to determine the length of the rectangle needed to be the depth of my soon-to-be three dimensional shape.
From there, I just taped the heck out of it. Lots and lots of packing tape, from the inside out. Once you have a three dimensional shape, leave a small area unsealed so that you can stuff your piñata with treats. Tape it over once you’ve done all that stuffing. And don’t forget to loop a section of rope for hanging at the top. Now it’s time to make it look pretty.
Initially I was going to use tissue paper. You certainly may do so, however I found a stash of Crepe Paper Streamer Rolls leftover from birthday parties of the past and I realized just how perfect they would be for this project. It is thicker than tissue paper which means less layers required and less work for me.
Cut lengths to size and create a fringe on the bottom half by cutting half way through each strip in half inch sections I went across my shape with one strip of fringed crepe paper at a time using Elmers Glue on the unfringed side. Keep on layering until the shape is covered. I decided to print out an image matching to party theme and I added fringe to the edges. I was very happy with the result and guests couldn’t believe it was not store-bought. That’s a win in my book!
Mar 8, 2017
OMG! I so need to try making a pinata for the next birthday party I host. Usually I purchase one from Walmart, but those things can be so hard for children and yet alone adults to break. Plus, I love saving money so its definitely cheaper to just make one at home. Thanks for the idea.