Contest Closed – Congrats to PennyZeni
I’m on this laptop often, and it takes a toll on my joints, especially my wrists. The wireless mouse I’ve been using forces my hand into an awkward position where my fingers are higher than my wrist, and after a while my wrist begins to cramp up.
With the ErgoMotion Laser Mouse, I can adjust my wrist at the angle that’s most comfortable to me depending on how my body is positioned. The mouse pivots every which way, left, right, up and down. The scroll button in the center works the same way – I’ve never seen a scroll wheel that will allow you to scroll left and right and I’m loving this creative feature.
This is a wireless mouse, and connects by inserting a small wireless receiver into your computer’s usb port. It connects quickly and easily with nothing to download or install. Just switch the mouse on and you’re good to go. The mouse itself takes two AA batteries which are included in the package.
You can purchase this innovative wireless mouse for $49.95, and a portion of the proceeds are donated to the Hospital for Special Surgery Rehabilitation Education Fund.
One GFC follower will win the ErgoMotion Laser Mouse ARV $50!
US Only – Ends in 24 Hours so Hurry!
Mandatory Entry: Visit Smartfish Technologies and tell me your favorite color. (Must be following publicly via Google Friend Connect in order to enter)
EXTRA ENTRIES: Must leave a separate comment for each extra entry*
+1 Entry if you Like Girl Gone Mom on Facebook and leave this comment on my wall:
“I entered the 24-Hour Giveaway to win the ErgoMotion Laser Mouse – ”
+1 Entry if you Like Smartfish Technologies on Facebook and comment on their wall:
“I entered the 24-Hour Giveaway at Girl Gone Mom to win the ErgoMotion Laser Mouse – ”
+1Entry if you subscribe to my YouTube page and leave a comment on one of my videos.
+1 Entry if you subscribe to Smartfish Technologies YouTube page and comment that Girl Gone Mom sent you.
+1 Entry is you are an email subscriber.
+1 Entry if you follow Smartfish Technologies on twitter.
+1 per hour if you follow Girl Gone Mom on twitter and tweet this:
#CyberMonday 24-Hour Giveaway! WIN the ErgoMotion Laser Mouse ARV $50 @GirlGoneMom
+1 Entry if you post my Holiday Gift Guide (snow globe) button to your blog’s main page. Leave link.
+5 Entries if you blogged about the Cyber Monday blog hop before the event began.
*For extra entries such as being a twitter follower, email subscriber, facebook fan etc., you must leave a way for me to confirm your entry i.e. your name, twitter handle, etc. Otherwise, your entries will not count. Contest is open to US residents and closes at Midnight EST on November 29, 2010. One main entry per household. No compensation was received for this post. The sponsor sent me the product free of charge to facilitate my honest review, and has offered the same for a lucky reader.
I like the blue one and I am a GFC follower
not sure of time zone- u would think I know it by now!
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
tweeted this!
final tweet!