Samples received for consideration
After receiving an email about Chef V products and the organic cleanse, I decided to give it a try. I had been eating a lot of junk and despite getting more active this year, I gained weight instead of losing. And I just didn’t feel good. I’ve always been curious about these cleanses but this girl likes to eat, so I just wouldn’t take the plunge.
Last week my package arrived at my doorstep in this cooler bag. Inside I found three detox tea bags, 3 cartons each of green drinks and detox soup, ultra shake packets and a shaker bottle.
Scared about the idea of eating no solid food for 3 days, I pushed this off as long as I could. In the end it was not bad at all. This plan requires you to drink a lot so you don’t really have a chance to be hungry. You can eat from an approved list while on the cleanse if you feel you must eat, and I did allow myself to eat a light dinner each night as well as a handful of almonds throughout the day.
The green drink tastes fantastic; it is not sweet like store-bought drinks I’ve tried in the past and it was thin and very easy to drink. I grew to love the soup which tastes mostly like carrots. The shake I could not drink. My stomach is sensitive with certain things and I was in a lot of pain after drinking the first one so I decided to stop drinking the shakes after that.
Like I said, the plan requires that you ingest the various products throughout the day. My schedule didn’t allow for that beyond the first day, so I switched it up and made it work for me. Since I ate dinners, I had the soup for lunch on day two and three and I did not finish all of the products because I simple did not have the time. I’m going to continue on for a fourth day.
I’ve completed the three days and am happy to see that I lost a few pounds despite not following the plan exactly. I don’t expect it to stay off once I start eating solids again, however I feel like I did sort of restart and set myself up for healthy eating.
The 3-day cleanse is made to order and costs $229.00 with free delivery. There are also 5 and 7-day cleanses available. Check the Chef V website for more information.
Chef V has offered a special savings for our readers: Get 50% off ANY cleanse using code GONEMOM!