You might have noticed that I haven’t been posting as frequently here on the blog as I normally do. Other than the fact that I’ve been battling colds and viruses, I noticed that it was taking away from time I could be spending with my family. During the day, I found myself ignoring my daughter at times or brushing her off when she wanted me to play with her, and at night when she went to bed I’d run right to the computer instead of hanging out with my husband. That’s just not right, and I came to realize that my behavior was inappropriate.
Family should always come first, and shame on me for losing sight of that. I will continue to bring great reviews and giveaways to the blog and try to remain as active I can because I absolutely love to do it. But there needs to be a much better balance between my personal relationships and responsibilities and this blog. It’s something I continue to struggle with. I suppose this is how working moms feel. We want to do it all, and that in itself is no easy task.
Question: How do you find a balance between your hobby/work and your personal life?
Or, do you also struggle with this? (misery loves company)