Best Buy recently conducted a survey to find out what their customers really want and this is what they discovered:
When asked which expert consumers would like to have on call 24/7, more than one third of consumers chose a Tech Expert – even ahead of Dentists (17%), Chefs (15%) or Fitness Instructors (11%). The preference for an on-call Tech Expert only trailed Doctors (65%) and Police Officers (56%)
More than 1/3 of consumers have kept an item that wasn’t suitable instead of returning it. The majority decided not to return the products simply because the return process is “too much of a hassle.” More than 25 percent of those consumers spent between $51 – $100 on the item they didn’t return
44% of respondents have taken advantage of a price match policy at one or more retailers
As a result of this feedback, Best Buy is now offering what they call The Perfect Match Promise – a 30.30.30 solution:
30-day free phone support to get product up and running
30-days of easy returns with no restocking fees
30-days of competitor price matching
The program started on March 4, 2012. For more information, please visit or visit your local store. To reach the 30-day phone support line, call 1-888-BEST BUY.
To help get the word out, Best Buy is offering FIVE (5) lucky readers a $30 gift card!
shirley pebbles says
Cute Easter bunny and mashed potatoes.
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