Do you remember your kids’ first Halloween? It’s an exciting time for both of you, especially for the parents. Emma was a duck on her very first Halloween. The holiday normally falls on a chilly day. It was unusually warm last year, but in 2009 it was cold as expected and that duck costume was perfectly warm. The homes in our neighborhood are rather far apart so we only went to a few houses before we came home and took off her costume.
In 2012, we dressed Ryan in Yoda for his very first Halloween and Emma as Princess Leia. They were a super cute pair on that day. This time we trick or treated at our local high school which was fantastic. Halloween is such a fun time!
Babies“R”Us and Pampers are partnering to help you celebrate your Baby’s First Halloween. On Saturday, Oct. 18 at 10 a.m., all Babies“R”Us stores nationwide will be hosting an in-store Halloween event for moms to celebrate Halloween with their babies! The events will include:
- Craft time where you and your baby can design a personal trick-or-treat bag
- A parade around the store where you and your baby can show of your Halloween costumes
- Halloween story time where you can sit with other moms and babies and listen to a story from Highlights magazine
Pampers is our go-to diaper to ensure a leak-proof Halloween. There are some great offers on Pampers now such as:
- Get a FREE $10 Gift Card when you buy any two Pampers super packs of diapers.
- Plus buy any Pampers value box of wipes for only $19.99. (REG $23.99)
One lucky reader will win:
-Pampers wipes
-$75 gift card to Babies “R” Us to buy your child a costume!
-1 Year subscription to Highlights magazine
-1 Highlights book
-A Halloween trick-or-treat tote bag
I would probably spend it on toys for the little ones.
Paula Michele Hafner says
Well, I already have their costumes, so I would use it to buy a few Christmas presents or other things like a new Christmas movie. Our tradition is to watch a Christmas movie each weekend from Halloween until Christmas :)
Madison Frady says
I would get my little boy clothes for Christmas and some baby food since he will be starting baby foods soon.
Carmen Van Deursen says
I would spend it on formula and books.
Kim H says
I would use for our grand kids. We have many so I am not sure just what yet.
Stevie says
I would love to spend this gift card on my godson! He is so cute I want to spoil him for christmas haha
Carolyn Daley says
I would spend the gift card on clothes, a book, and a couple of toys for my nephew. My nephew is growing out of his clothes too fast.
tina reynolds says
I would use towards christmas for my three kiddos
Daniel M says
i would spend it on toys for my neice & nephew
Karen Drake says
I would use it towards a crib for my daughter, she is expecting a new baby next year and she needs everything.