Says April, “I love sharing my crafts with everyone and love to see smiling faces when mothers-to-be open these as abby gifts. They make awesome gifts.”
If you’re looking for something in particular, April also does custom orders!
Emma and I were sent a custom personalized wipe case and diaper pouch for this review. I was so excited to receive this, because I despise carrying my big bulky diaper bag into restrooms when we’re out. April let me browse through her entire collection of fabrics, and I chose this pink with brown paisley design. I love the feminine design, as my diaper bag is quite unisex, basic and brown. In one word, ugly.
- Heart babyabbycreations on Etsy, leave your Etsy username in comment.
- Become a fan of The Penny-Pinching Mama on facebook
- Follow pennypinchingma on twitter and tweet the following message and then comment below with the link to your tweet (once per day for up to 5 extra entries):
#Giveaway @pennypinchingma to Win a personalized Embroidered Wipe Case for mom and baby! Pls RT #kids #baby #mom
- Become a verified email subscriber (must verify for your entry to count). Include email address in comment.
- Blog about this giveaway and leave the link to your post below.
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- Refer a friend to enter this giveaway. Make sure they include your blogger name in their main entry.
- Enter another one of my giveaways. Leave a comment telling me which ones you entered (up to 5 extra entries)
The winner will be chosen using at 11:59pm EST on October 27th. Winner will be announced the next morning. Please make sure your email address is visible in your public profile, or leave it in your comment below. Otherwise another winner will be drawn, and that would be a shame.
G O O D L U C K !
I am fan on facebook
Lubica Kotmanikova
I am twitter follower and i tweeted
I hearted etsy shop… Lubaska
I am follower. I like Personalized Wipe Cases Olivia. Thanks
I'm also a follower. tylerpants(at)
I'm a subscriber. tylerpants(at)
The bumblebee wipes case is super cute!
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