Winston brought me a little something this morning. I took this photo through the door. Poor little guy. You can’t see in the photo but he was beautiful, had a bright yellow stripe on him. And no, he was not let in the house with my “gift”! Of course, my husband would have said, “Good kitty.” Sigh.
Bonzai Beadwear says
LOL omg, i would freak out!!
The Penny-Pinching Mama says
LOL I'm glad you guys can relate! One day they brought in a half skinned rabbit and it bled all over the house…I'm crying while trying to catch it and let it go!
Getting By Day by Day says
Our Jack Russell Terrier is relentless with the birds and the squirrels. I swear I'm going to open the door one day and he's going to have one hanging from his mouth! I dread that day! LOL
TwentySomethingMomma says
Oh, this SO reminds me of my husband's grandma's barn cat, Norman. He'd show up at her door every morning with a different "gift" – an unfortunate little finch, a field mouse… SIGH, indeed!