Closed. Congrats to Deborah Rosen!
Last weekend, we attended a tot’s birthday party. On our way out, Emma reached for the goody bag she wanted. After selecting a toy featuring Woody, she was told to take one of the princesses instead.
As parents, we don’t want her to be limited within the realm of girl toys. We strongly believe in exposing her to the traditional boy’s items. She’s got trucks, trains, and building blocks – however there was something missing from her play room.
Now that she has the Workbench Wooden Toy by Alex, she has a more well-rounded collection of toys to learn from. And she didn’t waste any time getting to know her new toy.
With this 36-piece set which includes nuts and bolts, a vice and various tools, Emma can practice building to her hearts content. There are pegs for hanging the tools and a bottom shelf for even more storage, so it’s teaching her about cleanup too.
Buy it! The Workbench Wooden Toy is available at Gummy Lump Toys for $69.99.
Gummy Lump Toys has generously offered to give away a Wooden Workbench
to one lucky reader!
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100 piece Colored Wooden Building Blocks.
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