This is a question I get at least once per week: I really want to enter your giveaways, can you tell me how to do it?
It’s a valid question. So I thought I’d write a post about it.
I’m now using Rafflecopter for giveaway entries – Please see here for a tutorial on how to enter Rafflecopter giveaways.
For some of the older giveaways that are not rafflecopter, watch this brief video.
At the bottom of the post, it will be stated who the giveaway is open to (US, Canada, or Worldwide) as well as the deadline for entries. Winners are chosen at random using a wordpress plugin at the conclusion of the giveaway.
Take as many extra entries as you like to increase your odds of winning, but you MUST leave a separate comment for each entry so that they are all counted.
Your email address is entered into the form so that I can contact you if you win. It is not displayed on the website and is never shared or used for any other purpose.
The mandatory entry is required as your first entry. If you choose to take any extra entries, please leave a way for me to confirm them. If you are a Facebook fan, leave your name, if you follow on twitter leave your twitter id, if you tweet leave the url to your tweet etc. You do not need to leave your email address if you are a subscriber since you provide that information with your entries. I will confirm all entries if you are the winner chosen.
If you have any questions, click ‘Contact Me’ above and I will be happy to help.
Thanks for entering and good luck!
[…] you to the sponsor for supplying the products for review and giveaway. Need help entering? See How to Enter which includes giveaway rules. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share […]